Why did so many brands post to their social media accounts about the eclipse? Simple. People were searching and it had an official hashtag. Brands create content to try to leverage events and happenings to capitalize on searches. It’s not unique to just the solar eclipse we experienced this past week either. Companies do this for other things too, like the Super Bowl and Olympics, because it’s advantageous to put yourself out there in the search results. If you are able to come up with something witty it can equate to shares/retweets and even more followers. A popular social media post that many may recall came from Oreos back in 2013 when the lights went out during the Super Bowl. The ad read, “You can still dunk in the dark.” So, one of the most talked about ads didn’t even have to pay the premium pricing to solicit their product! The Oreos team quickly jumped on the idea and crafted the perfect post. Take a look at some of the brands that took advantage of the eclipse (Some–WWE–posted about the eclipse all day… that might be overkill.)
Did you see additional brands posting? Which of their posts caught your eye and why?